Filtering by Category: Typography,Television

We had the pleasure of working on a number of User Profile and Achievement illustrations for the brand-spankin' new Xbox One, which happens to be out today. IC was commissioned by Xbox to create 30 gamerpics for users to choose from on the new system. Monsters, space scenes, animals, objects and more. We were also asked to create 5 achievement illustrations that would be displayed once a user accomplishes a specific challenge. 10 Hours Of TV, 25 Hours Of Movies, etc.

This project was a blast, and it's exciting to see some of our gamerpics end up in the Xbox One: Invitation spot (see below). Big thanks to our A.D.'s Ramiro Torres and Michael Guss for the opportunity. Now I just to need to get my hands on one ...

So it's kind of a long story, but when my buddy Vijay, who owns and operates Artist Series Guitar, mentioned that his good friend, Ryan Hurst, would be doing a photo shoot for his custom Demon Hunter and Throwdown guitars, I had to make sure I was there. For years now, people have said I look like Opie, a character that Hurst plays in the always-enthralling Sons Of Anarchy TV show. All of us in Demon Hunter have become huge fans of the show over the years, so this was a really cool opportunity. Oh, and my wife made the dope leather vest Hurst is wearing in the shoot. Checking off that bucket list, one day at a time.

Here's 4 new (ish) books that we've been featured in recently: 1000 Indie Posters by John Foster (out in January), The Graphic Design Exercise Book by Carolyn Knight and Jessica Glaser, Typo Lyrics by Slanted and 1000 Supreme CD Designs by PageOne (This one actually came out in '08 but we spaced on it). Now you know what to get your favorite uncle for the holidays.

We're excited to be interviewed next week on the Read Between The Leading podcast. Today they asked us if we'd like to accept questions from our blog and Twitter followers, so we kindly said yes and thank you. Please drop us a comment here or a reply on Twitter and (hopefully) we'll get to as many as possible. Before you start asking questions, we'll get the big one out of the way: Yes, but only once.

I was recently turned on to Showtime's amazing series, Dexter, and my wife and I are doing our best to catch up in order to be prepared for the 3rd season, which begins September 28th. In watching the opening title sequence for the show, (which is phenomenal) I couldn't help but assume, by the beautiful macro shots and clever insinuations, that Digital Kitchen might've been responsible for this. Alas, I was correct: "Entertainment" section, row 2, column 3 here. Oh, and in case you don't know anything about this show, and just so the titles make sense, Dexter is a forensic scientist/serial killer.

It seems as if House Industries is making a film about Ed Rondthaler.

From the House blog: 'We had the privilege to spend a day filming Ed Rondthaler, living legend, founder of Photo-Lettering, Inc., former president of the American Literacy Council and author of The Dictionary of Simplified American Spelling'.

See the amazing trailer here.

Demetre told me to check this show out a few weeks ago and I finally got around to it. Wow, I didn't realize how late in the game I was, but I guess the best do come to those who wait. Mad Men is brilliant on many levels - and EVERYONE is raving about it. It's shot perfectly, the era (1960's) is executed beautifully and the story ... well, it's great in a way that only cinema can pull off. Double lives, crooked ad men, drinking and smoking on the job, racism, sexism. It's like The Soprano's meets Leave It To Beaver, but without the killing or June Cleaver. 

Season 2 just started, but the entire first season is available on Comcast On-Demand HD (!) for 5 more days. However, if you wanted to purchase it, the packaging looks pretty killer.