Filtering by Category: Gadgets,Tattoos

Goats, phones & fries. The best part about our job is we never know what's coming next. Here's a fun piece we recently finished for the fine folks over at Publicis and T-Mobile. We were asked to create character and BG illustrations for this 15 second spot while the talented peeps at World Famous handled the animation/post. OK, now I'm hungry.

Credits/Publicis: Kristi Flango: Art Director, Jenn Maples: Copywriter, Marisa Schoen: Executive Interactive Producer, Todd Bois: Creative Director

A friend just sent me this picture of a Norma Jean fan that decided to get a portion of the artwork we created for the band's "O' God, The Aftermath" record tattooed on their side. I'm not sure who did the tattoo, but it looks like pretty nice work. And the ribs are no joke (just recently had mine done), so kudos to this dude for withstanding such a large piece.