Filtering by Category: Apparel,Seattle

We are very pleased to be contributing to EMP's new exhibit exploring the world of horror film and the human experience it produces. Can't Look Away: The Lure Of Horror Film features 19 of our illustrations, some truly amazing artifacts, interactive experiences, and information galore. We got a sneak peek at the show, and it's absolutely incredible! Do yourself a favor and check it out- open to the public October 2nd. And check out the portfolio for a more extensive look at the work!

If you're local, you've undoubtedly heard the buzz about Seattle's next great neighborhood: South Lake Union. With hot new restaurants + retail spots, Amazon's brand new HQ, a beautiful waterfront and loads of new modern living spaces - the 'SLU' neighborhood is definitely the new destination within the city. IC was challenged with the task of developing a simplified and whimsical take on the neighborhood by the fine folks at Vulcan in conjunction with their annual Block Party blowout. If you are familiar with the area, you may have a little fun locating a few hot spots.

Block Party posters are available at the event on August 12 and we'll have a few in our shop on August 13th.

You can grab (and unfold) the full SLU neighborhood poster (below) by picking up the latest issue of Seattle Met magazine, on newsstands now.

A few details:

Huge high-fives to Josh Lackey and Larry Asher for making this such a fun project to work on. See it a tad bigger here.

We recently had the luxury of working with Rhymesayers Entertainment once again, this time for Seattle-based artist Grieves. RS is one of the only labels still investing their time, effort and finances into elaborate physical packaging... because they care and they believe their listeners deserve it. And obviously we love any opportunity to work with cool, innovative people to create unique packaging and artwork. Check out this video of the new Grieves package for "Together/Apart," and be sure to pick up the record June 21st.

When asked if we'd be interested in creating a poster for the new EMP exhibit 'Nirvana: Taking Punk To The Masses', we had to think about it for about zero seconds. After listening to each record a few times, I decided to base my concept on the song 'Scentless Apprentice', my favorite track from In Utero. Many thanks to Chris, Jacob and the EMP for asking us. Pick one up here (we only have 15 of these suckers) and be sure to check out the exhibit if you find yourself in these parts.

2-color (metallic silver and black) silk-screened poster on white stock.

Here is the cover for an upcoming Demon Hunter release featuring the first 3 albums in one package. The 3 disc set will be available everywhere March 8th. If you've had trouble finding these older releases in a store near you, here's the chance to get them all (and cheaply). As always, the DH demon skull graces the cover, this time made from the trees of my back yard. I gathered up some fallen branches and leaves, constructed the logo on a large sheet of white paper, and Jerad Knudson shot the photo.

We recently completed posters for 2 events serendipitously taking place on the same night (January 22nd), albeit across the nation from one another. Aziz Ansari will be knocking the socks off of a presumably packed house at Carnegie Hall, while I'll be here in Seattle, in awe of White Lies and all of their glory. The Aziz poster is 5 colors, and White Lies is 2 colors, both of which feature metallic silver ink. In the store now!

We recently just wrapped a fun logo/business card project for Sparrow Builders, a new general contracting firm headed up by our cousin John Paulsen. John wanted something with a simple, modern and clean aesthetic, so we played around with different styles within those restrictions. The wireframe design was one of the last options we provided and ended up making the cut as the final logo. After the design was green-lit, the fine folks at Mandate Press (check this out) took over and delivered some pretty amazing letter-pressed cards on 110# Cranes Lettra stock. Follow Sparrow Builders and Mandate Press on Twitter.

We're excited to have a table at the upcoming Flatstock 27 at Bumbershoot Festival next weekend, Sept. 4-6th. It's always a great hang with fellow poster peeps and an excuse to publicly drool over so much great art. Oh, and just to get this out of the way before it starts: No, we don't have any Phish or Southern Culture On The Skids posters. Hope to see you all out there!