Filtering by Category: Film,Environments

We are very pleased to be contributing to EMP's new exhibit exploring the world of horror film and the human experience it produces. Can't Look Away: The Lure Of Horror Film features 19 of our illustrations, some truly amazing artifacts, interactive experiences, and information galore. We got a sneak peek at the show, and it's absolutely incredible! Do yourself a favor and check it out- open to the public October 2nd. And check out the portfolio for a more extensive look at the work!

It seems as if House Industries is making a film about Ed Rondthaler.

From the House blog: 'We had the privilege to spend a day filming Ed Rondthaler, living legend, founder of Photo-Lettering, Inc., former president of the American Literacy Council and author of The Dictionary of Simplified American Spelling'.

See the amazing trailer here.

The Totoro Forest Project is a 'A fund raising exhibition/auction to support the national trust Totoro Forest Foundation that Oscar winning film maker Hayao Miyazaki has been helping over the years, featuring original art created by internationally acclaimed artists in the fields of animation, comic books, and illustration.'

I did notice that many of these pieces were created by Pixar illustrators, animators and directors. The work is absolutely stunning and I just love the concept.

A book featuring all of the pieces should be available on September 6th.

The Batmobile from Batman Returns movie is being auctioned off at the 38th annual Kruse International Auction, which will be held on Labor Day weekend (August 28, 29, 30, 31, September 1 & 2 at the 480 acre Kruse Auction Park) in Auburn, Indiana. The car is # 3 of 5 Batmobiles actually used in the BATMAN RETURNS MOVIE. 

Keep in mind that Batmobiles have sold for as much as $550,000 in the past, which means owning one is definitely attainable.

I was really excited to see the teaser trailer for Lemmy: The Movie yesterday. Documentaries are starting to pop up everywhere, and I think that's a great thing (Oasis: Lord Don't Slow Me Down - brilliant!). I especially appreciate the fact that this was done in time so all parties involved could watch and enjoy before the run is over. 

Oh, and if I need to explain to you who Lemmy and Motorhead are, you're at the wrong blog.

Note: This trailer is rated PG-13 due to some language. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Via Yewknee.