Filtering by Category: Bum Out,New Store Goodies

The sun is shining in Seattle and it appears that spring has come a bit early (if you're local, you're just as thankful as us). We also happen to have a ton of posters sitting in flat files that we'd like to send to you kind people. So, it occured to us that this would be a perfect time to slash prices (most posters $8-$10) and make room for some new art. We've been making posters for 8 years now and decided to put many in the 'blowout bin' until they are gone. Grab them now as this sale will only last a few weeks.

Four guys in outdoor clothing- check. Rocks and various debris- check. 2 staggered pine trees- check. Campfire- check. One guy warming his hands, one guy roasting a marshmallow- check. White seamless backdrop- check. Congrats- you've successfully ripped off our Fair artwork! Your Dave Hill photo treatment needs some work though.

Build has an excellent rant, I mean blog about the current "nostalgic faux-crapsman" town homes popping up everywhere around Seattle. This was just a topic of conversation amongst friends last week, it's good to see we're not alone. 

They also posted a link to a Seattle Times article regarding the same issue.