Filtering by Category: Home,Metal

Richard Neutra's Maxwell house (built in 1941 for $6,750) recently moved from Brentwood to Angelino Heights.

LA Times: "Saving the house has become a labor of love -- some say obsession -- of the owner, developer Barbara Behm, who does business under the name Princess Bovlana. She plans to restore the house "from top to bottom, and everything in between," before selling it."

See the amazing pictures here. Many thanks to Barbara for realizing this home was worth saving - can't wait to see it finished.

A friend just sent me this picture of a Norma Jean fan that decided to get a portion of the artwork we created for the band's "O' God, The Aftermath" record tattooed on their side. I'm not sure who did the tattoo, but it looks like pretty nice work. And the ribs are no joke (just recently had mine done), so kudos to this dude for withstanding such a large piece.