Filtering by Category: Photography,Modern

Richard Neutra's Maxwell house (built in 1941 for $6,750) recently moved from Brentwood to Angelino Heights.

LA Times: "Saving the house has become a labor of love -- some say obsession -- of the owner, developer Barbara Behm, who does business under the name Princess Bovlana. She plans to restore the house "from top to bottom, and everything in between," before selling it."

See the amazing pictures here. Many thanks to Barbara for realizing this home was worth saving - can't wait to see it finished.

We just finished the artwork for the new Copeland record "You Are My Sunshine" and the above images are samples from the CD booklet. Good friend and Tooth & Nail A&R guru Jeff Carver shot the beautiful Holga photographs. The record is available in regular and special editions. The special edition includes lots of extra goodies and we had a lot of fun putting it together. Oh, and the music itself is phenomenal. Can't... stop... listening...

Kerf is a custom furniture and cabinet maker that I've been a fan of for years. After seeing one of their amazing kitchens in Sunset last year, it solidified my love for their style that reminds me of a contemporary modern take on those classic Eames storage units. Oh, and they happen to be right down the street too.

About: "Kerf Design is a custom furniture and cabinet shop, committed to environmental responsibility through the use of sustainable materials and methods. Our shop is based in Seattle, Washington. We specialize in building modern cabinets out of plywood and plastic laminate. We look for inspiration in the construction process, the materials that we use, and in discovering new solutions for each project that is brought to us."

While we were on tour last month, we had a chance to walk around Fullerton in So Cal and hit some of the cool vintage and music shops. We stumbled upon Otto, which was by far my favorite. Full of mid-century goodness of all kinds, it was hard for me to walk out of there without emptying the bank. I did however manage to score some Gama-Go goods and a miniature LCW to match my life-size version. Score.