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I had the great pleasure of seeing one of my very favorite bands, Oasis, a few weeks ago on their only currently-booked US date here in Seattle and needless to say, they were amazing. Oasis' new album will be released on October 7th, and you can pre-order this amazing special edition box now.

We just finished the artwork for the new Copeland record "You Are My Sunshine" and the above images are samples from the CD booklet. Good friend and Tooth & Nail A&R guru Jeff Carver shot the beautiful Holga photographs. The record is available in regular and special editions. The special edition includes lots of extra goodies and we had a lot of fun putting it together. Oh, and the music itself is phenomenal. Can't... stop... listening...

The Batmobile from Batman Returns movie is being auctioned off at the 38th annual Kruse International Auction, which will be held on Labor Day weekend (August 28, 29, 30, 31, September 1 & 2 at the 480 acre Kruse Auction Park) in Auburn, Indiana. The car is # 3 of 5 Batmobiles actually used in the BATMAN RETURNS MOVIE. 

Keep in mind that Batmobiles have sold for as much as $550,000 in the past, which means owning one is definitely attainable.