We are absolutely honored to have a rather large handful of our logos featured in the new book Band ID. Not only is our work featured alongside some of the greatest band logos and designers in music history, we also have an entire gatefold section including an interview with yours truly. Much love and appreciation to Bodhi Oser for a) deciding to create this book and b) asking us to be part of it. It truly is a stunning collection and a must have for any music fanatic.

BAND ID -From the Rolling Stones' tongue-and-lips trademark to the Grateful Dead's lightning bolt skull to Prince's glyph, logos embody an identity and experience shared between musicians and their fans, who proudly display these graphics on T-shirts, posters, pins, stickers—even tattoos. Collecting more than 1,000 rock, hip hop, metal, pop, reggae, and country music logos from the 1960s to today, this catchy design survey captures the coolest and most powerful examples of music made visual. Including interviews with key logo artists and presenting the graphics large and over extended gatefolds, BAND ID will wow music fans and designers alike.